We are a group from Brigham Young University creating this site as a part of our Honors English 150 course. The focus of our group has been the social issues affecting the poor of urban Brazil. Inspired by the artistic works of Sebastiao Salgado, we have individually studied different aspects of the multi-layered issue of Brazilian urbanization. By analyzing the history of Brazil's urbanization, the issues specifically relating to drug use of Brazilian youth, and finally, the psychological effects of poverty on the urban poor, it is possible to gain a better understanding of this complex issue. In a world growing evermore connected though globalization, we believe it is the responsibility of every individual to be educated about these issues that affect such a large portion of the world's population. It is our sincere hope that this website will help accomplish this goal.
Bergen Goesch: Bergen is a freshman from Woodbridge, VA. She is majoring in Acting and Vocal Performance. Bergen enjoys reading the classics and listening to New Age slow jams on her hammock.
Mandy Madson: Mandy is a Freshman from Alpine, UT. She is majoring in Print Journalism. Mandy loves rocking horses, trampolines and the occasional immigrant. Go Cougars!
Craig Mangum: Craig is a Freshman at Brigham Young University from Upper Arlington, OH. He is majoring in English and will be serving a mission in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. His dream profession would be performing as a professional slam poet slowly changing the world through his grade-A, hardcore rhymes.